Thursday, January 06, 2005

Time to TOC

Welcome all alumni of Toc Alpha! One Mr. Martyn Bailey wrote a little note marking that it has been five years since the last holiday/year end/Christmas conference. Waxing a little (ok - a lot) nostalgic, Martyn noted that some of his closest friends came out of this organization and that not a day goes by when he isn't reminded someway, somehow of the group.
I completely agree. The demise of TA made me ever so sad, but I have so many friendships still thriving, to remind me of the importance of that organization in my life.
Anyway, hopefully we will have many discussions here and maybe some fun stuff too!


Blogger Leendert said...

I would say that I am a contributor to blogs, but probably never will have my own. That's because I have enough verbal diarreah coming out of my mouth in a given day and most people have had enough. So I will keep my input to short witty remarks as always.

Yes, the TA gang has been a close one, and it's too bad that we've lost such a great organization. I sometimes wonder how the kids connect today on a regional or national level not using the Web. Remember the long drives to all corners of Ontario through bad snow storms just so we could sleep on a cold concrete floor in a church or school? And those damn "adults" that were trying to keep us down!! Aah, great memories.

And I even managed to find a girl or two that found me interesting, even if it was just for a short time. ;-)

So how do we go about getting a big party together with all of our old friends that we haven't seen for a long, long time. The generation before mine tried to get the TA Alumni together but I don't believe it took hold too well. Since our group saw the end of Toc Alpha we have a legacy that probably isn't one for the history books but left a big void in all of us. Anybody with any ideas? How do we at least get some sort of email directory together so we can maybe get this blog blogging. Who thinks it's a good idea to send emails to all of our old friends and ask them to do the same, etc. You know, the old "we're 6 people away from knowing everybody on the planet" thing. Come on, your vote counts too.

Let's spread the word! Who's with me?

9:30 p.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

I'm only two people away from knowing Colin Firth - but I don't think he'd care about the site. I could be wrong...

11:34 a.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

We aren't going to turn this topic into a TA incarnation of the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" are we?

8:23 p.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

Well, seeing as how I'm 4 degrees of seperation from the whole cast of Sex and The City, and 5 from Robin Williams, yeah I am turning it into that!

1:55 p.m.  

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