Thursday, January 06, 2005

Fasten your seltbelts!

Fasten your seatbelts because the blogging has begun so you better fasten your seatbelts.

The dream lives on: to Christmas Conferences past, we offer most grateful thanks. Somewhere in this world, the bathroom buddies remain stalwart and true; if not in this world, at least in our hearts.

Let the CheeseFest begin/continue!


Blogger VicBear said...

Toc Alpha is also like Beth Hawley's...

11:35 a.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

Speaking of CC, which year and hotel was it that the testing of the smoke machine in the afternoon before the dance set off the smoke alarms and drew a response from the Missisauga Fire Department? And why did all the young girls drool over the unknown firefighters when they had Rob Damen and I at their fingertips? What was up with that?

2:19 p.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

That is the BEST typo I have seen in years!!!

4:02 p.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

You don't mean Kirk and Derek Jacklin, by any chance do you? I'd like to get back in touch with Derek and say hello.

5:06 p.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Rick - yep it's those Jaclyn boys!
:) V

3:30 p.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

wow - did i ever just destroy the spelling of their last name - just in case they come on board - sorry about that.

3:32 p.m.  

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