Friday, January 07, 2005

Memories of CC

So I thought I'd start a topic for all to tell about their favourite memories of Christmas Conference's past. Please give us your memories so some of us can live vicariously through you.

One of my favourite memories of CC was my very first one in 1987 when Rick Lockyer and the gang were in charge of over 1400 kids from all over the place at the Airport Mariott. That CC was one of the biggest and best of all time. This was the time where the Blenheim area (in the old Region 1) had more delegates per capita than anywhere else (the Duncan girls, the Moore sisters, the big gang of us from the Ridge United Church, and on and on). And the crazy fools at the hotel even trusted us with their crystal to use when drinking water. Crazy!!

What do you remember?


Blogger Rick said...

Wow... Not only does that bring back alot of my own memories, but well -- just thanks for mentioning me. It made my day! I hope all's well in Blenheim town -- I haven't made it back in a while.

I'm not sure I can choose one favourite memory. There are too many -- I was involved for more than 10 years. ( I talked my way into being allowed to go to my first conference when I was only 13).

I have one very distinct memory: Christmas of the year that I was 25--the first time in 11 years that I was not at the Conference. I felt like I'd lost my best friend that week. It was a major part of how I grew up, the ideals and values I developed, and the things I went on to achieve later in life.

Performing my own original music in front of 700 or so people and getting a standing ovation. That would definitely be a highlight.

Creating the first training package for TLC staff the year we decided to make them staff is something I was always proud of.

Being up all night folding 1000 paper cranes on a whim seems useless, but funny enough, it prepared my for a later career change to the software industry.

Sorry Len, I just cannot choose one highlight memory. It's more of a highlight reel, with soundtrack, and far too few pictures for my liking.

Thanks to Victoria for setting up the blog.

All the best

ps -- I used my real name as my log-on id since I figured the whole point was for us all to connect again so... there you go.

8:39 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading all of this has made me realize how sad I am that I’ve lost track of so many people. THANK YOU to Vic for setting up the blog.

My best conference memory. That is a really hard question. My best memories are quite simply … of the people. Amazing memories of ridiculous conversations that would rival Seinfield. Recollections of heart to heart conversations about EVERYTHING and anything! What I really remember is feeling accepted by an remarkable group of people.


Whew now that I’m about to cry … I am insanely curious about what everyone is up to. I know there are so many amazing success stories out there.

Rebecca Lockyer

10:26 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Best memory of CC.... This is too much fun... I stopped going to CC when I was about 18 or so, but there are still more awesome memories than I can count.

That being said, my all time favourite memory has to be the time that Jay Stinson and I (while taking our Monitor duties very seriously, indeed) found Martyn Bailey and Steve Kirkpatrick hiding out in the bathroom of Julie Thompson's baby sister's room at 3:00 a.m. Poor Martyn spent hours and hours begging us not to tell on him. We, of course, did not tell "the powers that be" but we had an excellent time making him beg and plead for forgiveness.

Good times....

Thanks for letting me share!


10:00 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Bad, bad Martyn!

Hi Rebecca - I'm not working at RHI anymore. I quit just about a year ago and now I mostly do freelance work from home. Did you go back after your Mat leave?

8:47 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Considering how pregnancy has affected by brain, I say kudos to you for still being able to type period with two kids! Congats! You will have to post pics of your family in the flickr group.

11:14 a.m.  
Blogger Margaret Gold said...

Hey Len - that's my era!

Man I remember those days well.... gotta like the group massage sessions and Geoff Doran wearing his fuzzy slippers in the hotel..

Wish I had those old photos close by so I could dig up the memories, but they are still at my folks place in Woodslee.

Great to see we've found a new forum to connect and stay in touch. Especially for me, since I've been gone from Canada for 10 years now. I've been living and working in London for the last one and a half years, and before that was in Amsterdam.

Loving it, but wish I could see you guys from time to time.

6:02 a.m.  

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