Friday, January 07, 2005

How to become a Contributor

Hi again everyone.
You may have noticed that some people are listed as contributors. It's my goal to have everyone listed as a contributor/member-of-this-blog (which means you can start your own Blog thread/posting). All I have to do (I think) is invite you as a member. Once I've seen you post to the page (comment), I'll send you an email and voila, you join up as a member and post to your heart's content. If you haven't included your email, please do, and I'll send something right out.
addendum** Once you have joined as a member of the blog, I will make you an administrator. Once that's been done - may take a couple of days - you can invite people to become members. Go to the Blogger dashboard ( and sign in. Select the Toc Alpha Blog. Once in, select the settings tab, then members and then the add members button. Easy as pie! mmm pie!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for setting this up Vic!

6:20 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Vic, Martyn, Len, et al...

What a great idea! And I can't believe it's been 5 years since the last CC! And so many wonderful thing have happened since then, for me and I'm sure for many of us!

Thanks for setting this up Vic! I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone!

7:14 p.m.  
Blogger BuddhaKenji said...

If you want a church basement to sleep in, I know just the place!

6:26 p.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Thanks for all the kudos, but the idea was definitely not mine alone! I'm thrilled at the initial response. This is great.
And I'll do whatever I can to help a reunion event happen.
Take care,

6:57 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey Vic!

Wow. Long time since I heard a lot of these names. Many thanks to Martyn for passing the details of this blog along. I see my good friend Julie has already beat me to posting.

Anyway, sign me up!

Stephanie Smith

8:45 a.m.  
Blogger A.L. said...

Hey there everyone!

Great idea to start this blog. I love the free-form flow and exchange of ideas.

TA has so many wonderful memories for me, I came to know about TA and the CC at a very key time for me. Earlier or later it likely wouldn't have had the same impact.

Well, I can get into that later. A quick update, I am living and working in the US, Indianapolis to be exact (GO COLTS!), married since October 2002, taking graduate school courses at Indiana University on my way to a Masters of Public Administration (think non-profit/government MBA), working as a professional non-profit fundraising executive.

I didn't even know that TA had become no-more... :(.

I've been out of touch for a long time, but every so often I see a few TA-folk.

I hope all is well,


10:45 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Hi Kainani,
send me your email and i'll send you the "offical" invite.
Sorry if you posted your email somewhere and I missed it!

2:16 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello one and all...thanks Steph for telling me!!!! I've been pretty bored the last couple days and now I have this weird perma-grin on...


guess I better start checking that email...

2:28 p.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

Hey everyone, just after signing up to the site I got heavily spammed. I've recently noticed two new trends in SPAM that I wanted to let you all know about.

The first is that apparently spammers are now using BLOG sites as a source to mine for addresses. Friends of mine have implemented a simple but clever workaround for this (which I forgot to use myself...). The email-miners use a proces that looks for the standard email address format written anywhere. So to get around it you replace symbols with text that is recognizabel by humans. I would then write my address like this:
rileypix_AT_hotmail_DOT_com, and you can figure out what to do from there. We may want to start doing this here, since the blog site is wide open.

The second new trend is that spammers are sending emails that request a Read Receipt to verify you have read their email. If you 1) use the preview window or open the email and 2) have your email options set to automatically send these receipts, you are inadvertantly verifying your address with them. To correct this in Outlook express go to the Outlook menu marked Tools, select Options. In the window that pops up choose there are tabs along the top -- choose the one marked Receipts. In the middle section labelled 'Return Read Receipts' you can select an option other than 'Always Send'.

This may help reduce the amount of evil spam you receive in your inbox.


1:03 p.m.  

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