Monday, January 10, 2005

Posting Pictures

There are a couple options for posting pictures. Blogger (here's the help page) suggests Picasa Hello or Flickr. This involves installing some more software, but either program is easy to use. (Actually I can only speak for Flickr, the Canadian, doesn't-have-to-be-Microsoft option).

Your pictures are stored online and are linked to your blog entry. It does take some muddling around and some trial and error, but the results are worth it as these happy TA alum campers (Pinery Provincial Park, 2004) can attest....
TA camp 04 group
Back row: (l to r) Loralyn (nee Wild), Samuel (Loralyn's husband), Alan Berry, Jason Stinson, Jennifer Stinson (nee Van Doorn), Joann Wiltenburg, Len Wiltenburg holding Emma Wiltenburg, Kenji Marui, Shelley Marui (nee Baker) holding Reiko Marui, Marilyn Arthur (nee Mackenzie), Jon Arthur holding Rory Arthur.
Front Row: (l to r) Victoria Berry (nee Jackson) with Olivia Berry, Rob Damen with Cole Damen, Paula Damen (nee West)


Blogger VicBear said...

I'm going to list everyone in the pic and apologize in advance for not knowing everyone's last names.
This one's from the TA camping trip this year at The Pinery.
Back row: (l to r) Loralyn (nee Wild), Samuel (Loralyn's husband), Alan Berry, Jason Stinson, Jennifer Stinson (nee Van Doorn), Joann Wiltenburg, Len Wiltenburg holding Emma Wiltenburg, Keni Marui, Shelley Marui (nee Baker) holding Reiko Marui, Marilyn Arthur (nee Mackenzie), Jon Arthur holding Rory Arthur.
Front Row: (l to r) Victoria Berry (nee Jackson) with Olivia Berry, Rob Damen with Cole Damen, Paula Damen (nee West)

4:27 p.m.  
Blogger BuddhaKenji said...

Thanks Vic; I forgot that piece of the puzzle. For those counting at home: that's 11 TA-ers intermarrying. Let's hope that gene pool has a deep end...

7:09 p.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

Kenji, it looks like you can make Flickr available to groups of people. Interested in making this Flickr account a group one for everybody so we all can upload our pics for each other?

8:56 p.m.  

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