Monday, January 10, 2005

What have you been up to?

Now that we have a good list of people on our little blog, I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread where we catch up on what has been going on in our lives since TA ended.

So what have you been doing?
Where are you now?
What's new and exciting?


Blogger Unknown said...

So I guess I'll start!

Last TA CC was 1999, and that year I was picked up from Conference by a guy named Craig. Well, Craig and I got engaged Februry 2001. 2002 was a big year for us...April we got our house (in Brampton, Ontario), August we got married, and October we got our dog Dakota.

Most recently our family grew, when December 15th our daughter, Rachel Emilee was born. Since then our lives have been turned upside down and we live by her schedule. But it's been a great 3.5 weeks!

As far as work goes, I'm working for the City of Toronto as a Cartograher/GIS Analyst. (Well, I"m on maternity leave now but you know what I mean!) My husband, Craig, is a senior graphic designer for the Mississauga News.

So that's us! How about you?

10:20 p.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey there,

For those of you that don't know me or don't remember me, I'm Stephanie Smith and I was in Region 6 (Go Purple and Green!). You may remember me as the girl that brought purple hair dye on the big camping trip to Grand Bend. That weekend I dyed my hair, Beth Hawley's hair and Sean Hanna's goatee. I was also introduced to the Rocky Horror Picture Show in downtown T.O by Sean and Julie V and began to frequent the show regularly - bringing many of my TA buds along for the ride. Overall, TA introduced me to lots of boys and tons of great girlfriends who are still some of my best buds today (Julie Thomspon and Lee Richmond, in particular).

I met Martyn Bailey and Trevor Birrel at TA and through a strange twist of fate all three of us went to Journalism school at Ryerson. Since graduating, I have done the backpacking thing and worked at various writing and marketing jobs. I quit my job as a Marketing Manager last year and now I work from my home in Aurora as a freelance writer and marketer. 3 years ago I married Shane, the love of my life, and we are currently expecting our first child in April.

That's about it for me. Looking forward to hearing about everyone's adventures over the last 10 years or so.


10:26 a.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

Hey Megs, do you think you can get us a good deal on the hotel and conference facilities for CC 2005? Who wants to go on the hotel tours (not that I ever got to do that).

8:38 p.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

Just like you, Kathryn -- always horsing around!!!

~~ a big moan is heard from the crowd...

7:08 a.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

Len here. How YOU doin?

Well, little old Lennie Wiltenburg is still living in the Centre of the Universe, AKA Blenheim with his wife Joann and 2 1/2 year old daughter Emma. Joann is also a Blenheimite so grandparents on both sides are 10 minutes away. She grew up on the farm and the Laurier grad has been working for the CIBC for 15 years (too damn long -ed). I'm still without degree but that doesn't seem to bother those I work with.

Speaking of working, I'm still working at Union Gas as an IT geek (going on 10 years now). I'm also still a volunteer firefighter here in town and that keeps me pretty busy as well.

But it's funny -- considering that Blenheim is the centre of the universe not many of you have never visited me. It was usually us from Kent and Essex county that had to drive east to see you guys. I think that it's high time that this changes!! Come see us in Region 1!!

Please contact me at my email address if you want to reconnect! Check out my profile for that address.

7:16 a.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

Well, let's see...
I "aged out" in 91. After that I...

-graduated from Mac with degrees in Social Work and Sociology. Worked a while, then moved to Vancouver where I worked for Child and Family Services for 8 years in various capacities.

-burned out on that, took out a huge loan and returned to school to a condensed Comp Sci certificate program at Simon Fraser, and entered the software industry.

-in 2000 I got married to Carolyn. We met at McMaster, and had been dating for some time, she eventually moved to BC, I eventually stopped being committment-phobic. ;-)

-shortly after my school program I landed a sweet job as a QA Software Analyst in teh R+D department of Crystall Decisions, one of the countries biggest software companies. Made good $$. Company was bought out in 2004, enabling us all to cash in on stock options. No layoffs -- excellence of Vancouver R+D was a major reason for the takeover.

-Daughter Bridget was born in 2002.
While we were waiting for the arrival of our daughter Evelyn in 2004 we decided we did not want to live in Vancouver any longer, and that we wanted to raise our kids on teh East Coast, where my wife was born and raised.

-Did much research, etc, and my wife got a job offer as a Social Worker here in Saint John. After a whirlwind househunting trip and move, we arrived here in July. I took the remainder of her parental leave to stay home with the girls and play Daddy Daycare. (Yeehaw! Cookies for everyone!!)

-I'll be heading back to work in teh next few weeks. The Tech sector here is small, so I am looking at offers in Tech and Social Work, and will decide on one of a couple of job offers in the next two weeks.

Would you believe that's the SHORT version!


8:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm the middle Wild sister, now with the last name Wild Hariprasad. hubby & i are in the camping photo on the left side of the group. Samuel & i were married in Dec, 2003 and now live in Ajax. i'm an Environmental Officer with the Ontario gov't and Samuel is a teacher in Scarborough. but we'll soon have new jobs - we become parents in early June, which is fast approaching! good to hear how everyone is doing. please put your full name somewhere in your updates. i'm not so good at decoding the funky userids.
my email address:

5:23 p.m.  

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