Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Have you seen....?

Are you wondering where a particular TA buddy is or what they are up to?

I know that many of us are in contact with TA people who others maybe be curious as to what they are up to.

If you're looking for someone, post their names here and maybe someone has seen or heard from them!


Blogger Leendert said...

Here's a couple:

Jenn Lewis
Deric and Kirk Jacklin (heard they're both in T.O.)
Connie -- she's one of us to even though she got paid by "them"

7:31 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey Len - You might want to check with Julie Thompson re: the Jacklin brothers. I think she still keeps in touch with Sherry Miller, Mike Greenhow and Ken Tyhurst. I believe they were all at a wedding (maybe Mike's?) with the Jacklin brothers about a year or so ago. I could be wrong though because pregnancy has fried my memory ;) Either way, she might be able to point you in the right direction.


9:12 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Hi Len,
I can tell youthat Jenn Lewis is now Jenn Worden and had a baby within the last year.
I will email Connie - I know I have her email at home...somewhere... - and let her know about this site.

10:49 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

I was owndering if anyone had heard from Rachael King or Becky Stevenson?

12:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any body rememder a Joy Bailey? Attended conference 91-96? was at almost all weekend retreats.

10:42 a.m.  

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