Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Say Cheese!

Hi all,

There was a suggestion about a group account at Flickr to share pictures. I've created a public group called Toc Alpha (what else?) and I think you should be able to post, download and comment on our pictures there (although you may need to create a free Flickr account to do this).

It is open to anyone and everyone cruising the Net (just like this weblog) so if you're partial to protecting your privacy: be wary. Perhaps re-visiting the existing Yahoo group might be an option for our discussions, pictures and privacy.

We'll go with the Flickr photo group for a few weeks and determine whether we keep it going or not. (Unless everyone's uploads eat into my monthly account limit ... then we'll have to talk sooner than that).

All in favour? Opposed? Abstentions? Would you like that noted?


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