Friday, January 14, 2005

Links to our Sites

Hey everybuddy,
I've created a little section for links to personal webpages and blogs. Should you have something to submit to this listing, I can make additions (or subtractions ... Jon, Vic: I assumed you wouldn't mind links to your blogs, but I have been wrong before).

Happy Friday,

(Pssst. HI KYLE!!)


Blogger VicBear said...

Steph has a nice blog going too - do you mind if we post it "stuffinghead?"

11:32 p.m.  
Blogger BuddhaKenji said...

As you can see, I've gone and done it (added Stuffinghead) ... easier to get forgiveness than permission. And easily removed too.

8:47 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey Vic - No worries on posting on my blog. It will force me to update it more often!

Later :)

6:20 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

That should say, "posting my blog" not "posting on my blog". Too friggin' early to be typing.

6:22 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Can you add another one (Al's) too:

3:36 p.m.  
Blogger BuddhaKenji said...

Done and done. Anyone else? Anyone? Anyone?

11:36 p.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

Sure, why not. Mine is:

3:47 p.m.  

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