Thursday, January 27, 2005

You say you want a reunion, well you know...

Date? Time? Place?
Let's get it started.
My vote is for sometime in summer, so we can use an outside venue. DO we want to do a whole day - fun in the sun and then dinner and dancing under the stars type thing?
I will help - tho despite the post, I'd rather not lead - any kind of a committee or group to get this done.
Who's in?
Who wants to the the Grand Poobah of Reuinionville?


Blogger Stephanie said...

I vote for a summer 'do' too! Vic's idea sounds good - fun in the sun and dinner/dancing under the stars. Normally, I would be jumping up and down to volunteer as an organizer but due to my pregnant belly I'm not doing a lot of jumping lately. However, I will definitely show up wherever the heck this thing is going to be. Unless it is August 14th or 15th when I will traveling across Ontario with an infant to participate in two weddings in 48 hours. Grrr... Despite my indifference to the wedding events this summer, I am more than excited about the possibility of a TA reunion and will make every effort to show up with my party hat on!

Maybe sometime in July?

6:26 p.m.  
Blogger A-Bear said...

Funny, I was thinking of the same thing today in the car.
My vote is a daytime thingy with offspring (kids not the band) including food, non-boozey drinks, playing in a field, everyone bring their pictures. People will want to talk and visit and hang out, and there should be activities for the kids, probably run by ourselves.

Then, to be more inclusive of single folks, we could hold an adult dinner/dance either on the same night, or the next night. The only problem is people who want to participate in both, coming from out of town, and trying to find babysitters.

Remember the official "reunion" in Kitchener? How all of us folks who were younger and hadn't bred yet pretty much took off after dinner and went to a bar? We don't want that to happen here. NO GUITAR SING-A-LONGS, NO "ONE TIN SOLDIER"

We are grown-ups now, it will be great to have a grown-up styled event. I am totally up for this BTW, don't want to seem negative.
Some other questions:
When the time comes, should we use evite or to put the word out?
Related to this, how far back do we want to try to "capture"? Our word of mouth might only go so far back (although mine goes back a fair way, and Rick L's). I would hate to have someone from the early years show up and not know anybody.

11:54 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

might be time for me to call Alcohol and Drug Concerns Canada and find out if they have any old contact lists hanging around - it could be a good place to start.
Like Megs and Mar said, we need to decide on a venue pronot - when did Rebecca L say she'd be in Ontario - that could be a good time to start with and see what places are available. I have contacts at U of G for events, and I'm sure Megs has tonnes with her hospitality influence!

12:30 p.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Scratch that "let's check with Concerns" idea. I cnnot find them. Did they close? For good? Phone number is disconnected and no web presence to speak of.
Maybe they should have put more into youth prgram funding >:-D (that's my devlish face- yah lame, i know, oh well...)
Does anyone know of somebody who may have a good contact list?

12:44 p.m.  
Blogger A-Bear said...

oh yeah, Megs! Let's exploit those connections!
How about that Holiday Inn dining room? Is there a dance floor?

2:07 p.m.  
Blogger Rick said...

Sorry to say it - but I am not likely going to make it to Ontario this summer, having just moved across the country last summer. (see my post in the 'what have you been up to...).

Best wishes though, I think it should be a fun event. Al is right -- he and I go pretty far back. My first Conference was CC '80.

IMHO you should just do what you are doing now -- organize and have an event with the folks currently present, and keep working on word of mouth contacts. Fcus on the event itself, and gradually more people will hear from old contacts and be drawn back. If you only end up with the current dozen people there it is still a success that you can build on further each time. The first Conference 50-ish years ago involved a small handful of people and look how far things grew by the 90's!


7:52 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I'm just going to throw a date out there and see what kind of feedback it gets - July 23/24.

Thoughts? Comments?

11:30 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

Nothing like leaving a girl hanging, eh Stef?
Why don't we say we can do something July 23rd - depending on venue.
Can we find a park to do something in the afternoon? Then dinner in the evening? Will dinner be kid-friendly? or kid-free? if it is kid-fee do we set up some kind of daycare program at a nearby home, or if this will be in a hotel of somekind, in same hotel for an additional fee (note _ if this happens in Guelph, i have a group of girls who will do this for us)? Do we want the afternoon to have a pcinic feel - impromptu games of frisbee, badminton and such abounding? Should we have a hugology session ;-)
Where should the event be - what would be central? Milton? Cambridge?
Let's just do lunch and dinner (or either or), whatever we do and give people the whole morning to get there.
Who wants to decide a place for us - I commend the pregnant lady for making a decision, i haven't been able to since becoming pregnant and giving birth.
More ideas please? Sorry if there are loads of typos, i'm not editing this one pre-post.

1:31 p.m.  
Blogger Leendert said...

I'm only going to Rockwood if we can have a real campfire, not a lantern in the middle of the fire pit!!

9:12 p.m.  
Blogger A-Bear said...

Lenny, didn't you guys conceive around that time? Looks like that lantern worked out for you pretty well, dude.

10:20 a.m.  
Blogger VicBear said...

If anyone would like to be included in a meeting invite I am sending out soon - please let me know!

11:40 a.m.  

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